Sunrise - soft and gentle starts the day!
Opportunities to Grow Spiritually
Topics of spirituality for possible presentations or a talk on a day of reflection:
- Creating a Compassionate Heart
- Exploring the Healing Power of Forgiveness
- Developing a Hospitality of the Heart
- Being Catholic Today: Building a Community of Justice and Peace
- Putting Catholic Social teaching into Action
- Caring for the Presence of God in Everyday Life
- Exploring a Spirituality of God's Creation through the Seasons
- Healing and Transforming Power of the Cross: Embracing the Pascal Mystery
- Journeying with Saints as Our Spiritual Guides
- Living the Beatitudes in Daily Life
- Teaching Us to Pray
- Spirituality: "Becoming Bread for Others"
- Getting to Know Joseph
- Mystics: "Pondering the Mysteries with the Saints"
The following YouTube video and other videos that Tom Kalinowski had produced can be found by going to You Tube and
typing in his name and Faith & Ecology. His videos are seasonal and extraordinary, filled with nature, God's creatures and
beautifully narrated by Tom. Enjoy
Interest Groups: If you wish to join, please contact Sr. Bethany Fitzgerald
Faith and Ecology:
Our Mission: As stewards of God's creation and rooted in Social Justice teachings, we strive to weave science and faith together in order to sustain our planet. Meetings are held in the Saranac Lake area, NY and Sisters of St. Joseph Hearthside Hospitality Room, Watertown, NY. Potsdam/Canton Area announced as meeting is scheduled. Facebook page: Faith and Ecology of Upstate New York.
Lay Associates:
SSJ Associates journey with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Watertown sharing their mission to love God and neighbor without distinction in a spirit of unity and reconciliation. Associates meet once a month with other Associates and Sisters to deepen their knowledge of the history, mission and spirituality of the Sisters. They also participate in a day of retreat during Advent, Lent and in June. They support and encourage one another through prayer and faith sharing; participating in the prayer life of the Sisters and are welcome to participate in the spiritual, educational, ministerial and social events of the community. Associates make an annual commitment to live the mission and charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph.
To become an Associate contact the Associate Director and attend an initial meeting to find out about the program. A pamphlet is available for an inclusive description. Participate in a two year formative program to learn about the history, spirituality and mission of the Sisters.
Sisters of St. Joseph Social Justice Committee: A group of individuals who meet regularly and are
included by invitation only. Members include Sisters and invited members.
Further information will follow soon.
Sisters of St. Joseph Social Justice Committee: A group of individuals who meet regularly and are
included by invitation only. Members include Sisters and invited members.
Further information will follow soon.
Course offered for Human Trafficking sponsored by the Social Justice Committee at the Motherhouse, May 6, 2019
Sunset - the end of the day; rest and rejuvenate for we begin again tomorrow.
Photography and web design by Faye M. Martin copy right reserved.